HPR3453: Rust 101: Episode 1 - Hello, World!

Hacker Public Radio show

Summary: Talking Points main.rs Like main.cpp in C++ or main.c in C Tells the compiler which file to start with Can link to other "crates" and "modules" Cargo.toml Keeps track of application metadata This includes dependencies! Functions Strictly typed, like everything in Rust Declared by fn Argument typed with argument: Type Return typed with -> Type otherwise assumed to return nothing The Main Function Like the main functions in C and C++ Where the program starts within the main.rs file CLI arguments handled by std::env, rather than argv and argc in C Can return nothing or a Result<()> Macros Metafunctions or functions for functions More general than functions, having flexibility in the number of arguments, etc, but harder to write The println! Macro Can take any number of arguments that implement the display trait Usually things like strings or character literals Will format them into a string and display it on the terminal Similar to printf in C The Hello World program Can be automagically generated with cargo new and then the name of your application Located in Name-Of-Application/src/main.rs fn main() {   println!("Hello, world!"); } Show Notes Important Links: Git repo for this miniseries The Rust Standard Library The format! macro The println! macro Wikipedia Articles: The Rust Programming Language Contact Me Email: izzyleibowitz at pm dot me Mastodon: at blackernel at nixnet dot social