#461: How to Make People Like You More

The Confidence Podcast  show

Summary:  <br> Podcast #461<br> How to Make People Like You More<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Wanting people to like us is a part of being human, but sometimes a misplaced desire, or ineffective ability to connect with others creates inner insecurity. Get coached on the 3 basics on how to make people like you more, starting with first learning how to like yourself. When you master your focus on these 3 basics, you'll be more able to stop caring what people think and to have more social confidence when meeting new people and wanting them to like you.  It's okay to have a desire to be more liked. Let's just go about it in a confident, courageous, authentic, and powerful way.<br>  <br> In this episode of The Confidence Podcast, we're talking about ..<br> <br> <br> <br> How to make people like you moreThe secret to not caring what people thinkHaving confidence when meeting new people (and wanting them to like you)<br> <br> <br>  <br> REVIEW OF THE WEEK:<br> <br> <br> <br> The Most Helpful Brain Training Podcast on the Internet.- 5 Stars (Kelsey Sis) This podcast came at the perfect time for me personally. I cannot recommend it enough and continue to tell all my friends (and counselor - had to give that plug because I know you read these and they are pro-therapy about it as well, Trish, I'm your biggest cheerleader right now!) Having grown up in the church and worked in ministry for several years alongside my husband (before pursuing alternative careers) I am realizing how ill equipped and uniformed I was on what it meant to "take my thoughts captive." That verse just always felt like a nice suggestion, certainly not something that was ever possible. Trish takes this verse and concept and through her podcast equips us with the tools and practices necessary to TRULY take our thoughts captive. Whether you consider yourself faith-based or not, this is the most practical podcast I have ever listened to when it comes to training our brains. I believe for me personally it's the faith aspect that's helped it click in a whole new level for me spiritually. So grateful you've pursued this calling. I'm signing up for Patreon as well - I'm all ears on any advice Trish has to offer. The real deal. <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> THANK YOU!!!<br> Ya'll, Straighten Your Crown has hit a #1 Spot for New Releases on Amazon, and I have YOU to thank!!!<br> You are royalty.What if you could experience the ups and downs of life with deep confidence and profound security? What if you felt so deeply loved that you stopped caring what people think of you, that you stopped second guessing yourself? What if you really walked with the dignity and grace of divine royalty?<br> That's what Straighten Your Crown is all about.<br> This book is the mirror that you have been looking for your whole life. It's a mirror that reflect how God sees you and the delight that He feels about you. You will see that you make Him smile.<br> These pages will open new options to you. The option to say no to self-doubt. The option to choose your thoughts. The option to achieve anything you want. The option to believe that you are enough.<br> As you read, each chapter will invite you to step fully into being God's daughter. You're the daughter of the King. The King's fingerprints of love and protection are evident in every area of your life, from the mountaintop moments to the darkest valley, and as you read, you will see His love for you shows up in ways you have never before considered.<br> It's time to know what it feels like to be enough. It's time to know what life feels like without anxiety, without stress, and without self-doubt. It's time to stand tall with confidence and shine like the light you were created to be. It’s time to straighten your crown.<br> Order 3+ copies of the book and you'll get an invite to my upcoming workshop, A Walk in Worthiness. Yes, there will be a beautiful,