#462: Confidence For When You Feel Different or Just Plain Discouraged

The Confidence Podcast  show

Summary:  <br> Podcast #462<br> Confidence For When You Feel Different or Just Plain Discouraged<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> We live in a chaotic world filled with conflicting opinions everywhere you turn. In a world that is more connected than ever, we are more divided, more lonely, more isolated and more conflicted internally on standing strong in our own opinions, even when they are unpopular or simply opposed by those closest to us. This podcast goes into depth on how to stay confident in yourself, in your relationships and in your hope for the future when the evidence you have in front of you is that division is pressing and discouragement is around every turn.<br>  <br> In this episode of The Confidence Podcast we're talking about:<br> <br> <br> <br> How to feel confident about the future when the future feels so discouragingCreating connection with others in a world of divisionThe secret to believing that life is different, but still good.<br> <br> <br>  <br> REVIEW OF THE WEEK:<br> <br> <br> <br> Trish Blackwell Confidence Podcast - 5 Stars, A Will NC Trish - you never disappoint. I have been a listener for years, a member of your college, and we worked one-on-one, as well. I am on the edge of a big change at work and needed some extra confidence. I was feeling myself teeter into thinking about staying small instead of taking the risk and chasing my purpose .I needed several hours of you in my ear to straighten my backbone. Thank you for hanging with me all day. It started with the very timely assertive podcast, followed by your entire people pleaser course in the College of Confidence. I knew from our work together that I was beginning to give into other people's comfort and sacrificing my goals and my gifts. I am happy to say that I am forging ahead and will be having a tough, but needed conversation today, unapologetically, I might say, because other people's feelings are not my responsibility! Cheers to being me and being free. Thank you!!!!<br> <br> <br> <br>  <br> THE QUESTION THAT PROMPTED TODAY'S EPISODE:<br> <br> <br> <br> How do we appropriately "mourn"/bid farewell to life before 2020 and then still be filled with hope for life beyond it, beyond now? I keep getting so overwhelmed with feelings of will people always disagree? Will I ever travel again? Will my kids ever see the rest of the world? I know these are all "what ifs" and not at all productive. I also know that covid won't ever fully go away any time soon. So how do I find a peaceful reality affirmation that life is different but still good?<br> <br> <br>  <br> HOW TO STAY ENCOURAGED WHEN THE FUTURE FEELS DISCOURAGING<br> <br> <br> <br> Thank you for this question. I too am having all of the thoughts, and here's how I'm exiting them  from taking unnecessary space in my brain. I encourage myself that of ALL the years of the history of the world, God decided that I was best fit to live HERE, NOW, in 2020, 2021. I want to argue with this, but I trust His sovereignty and that makes me feel capable of standing strong in believing that yes, I AM WELL ABLE to not just survive these years and this transition of culture/life/limitations/pandemic, but to THRIVE in it.  What our new "normal" looks like is going to be different, but I assure you, it will be good. Happiness is something you decide on ahead of time. You arrange your mind to be happy, you don’t wait for life’s circumstances to arrange themselves for you to be happy The happy brain is the person who experiences a happy life.A happy life doesn't happen because of the way normal looks like, the amount of travel we get to do or the circumstances in our lives. A happy brain is arranged to be happy. So, I can't arrange the future, but I can arrange my brain on how I want to think about the future, how I want to think about the past, and how I want to think about the present.