Thankful thinking and the happy life.

The Virtual Vicar show

Summary: Thankfulness is a way of life that can have a great positive impact on you. Let’s take a good look at how thankfulness works. Thankfulness is directed at God through Christ Jesus.So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. Colossians 2:6-7Thankfulness works in three different ways. First, it works on you and your general attitude. Second, it works on those around you. Lastly, it has a way of influencing your environment. How exactly Thankfulness works on these things is, open for debate, though. You will feel how powerful thankfulness is. Once you start to implement thankfulness in your life, you will start to see it work for you. Thankfulness has a way of changing your whole view on life. You will start to find the good in things and that will make you happy. You will be less likely to feel down and instead you will allow thankfulness to guide you to happy, positive thoughts. You will start to do everything in a more assured, generous and sure-footed way, including how you treat others. This will not go unnoticed. Your interaction with others plays a large part in your life. Other people are going to be greatly influenced by your thankfulness. You will start to see this because they are going to start treating you differently. Others will sense your thankful attitude and they will treat you in a Thankful way. Someone who is often rude or just inattentive to you will likely start to treat you in a nice way or pay more attention to you. You will start to find that people are more likely to offer you help when you need it. They will likely do nice things, such as hold doors open or just give you a smile. Your Thankful attitude may even be contagious. You may start to see people you spend a lot of time with exhibiting the same thankful attitude that you have.Thankfulness has a way of even influencing your environment, but it may not be in the way you think. Just because you think thankfully does not mean that everything will automatically go your way. However, when you think thankfully you will be less likely to see the negative in things and therefore your environment will appear to change. You will probably start to notice the little things more than ever before and that will have a nice effect on you. Thankfulness will allow you to believe in yourself. It will allow you to believe that you can accomplish something if you put your mind to it. You will be able to set goals and reach them because you will believe that you can do it. You will not have negative thoughts to hold you back. Thankfulness is very influential. It is going to start to shape everyone and everything around you. Yo...