2021-09-26 Retirement Lifestyle Advocates Radio w/ David McAlvany

Everything Financial Radio show

Summary: Since the financial crisis in 2008, the Fed and central banks around the world have been pumping money into markets. Nearly all of it has gone into speculative derivatives. According to our guest this week, Mr. David McAlvany, history was made last Friday, when over $2 Trillion in options traded on the S&amp;P. Listen as your host for Retirement Lifestyle Advocates radio, Dennis Tubbergen talks with McAlvany about the markets, cryptocurrencies, and the prospects for gold and silver in the near future.<br> <br> David is CEO of the McAlvany Financial Companies – International Collectors Associates and McAlvany Wealth Management. He is a featured speaker on national television programs including CNBC, Fox News, Fox Business News, and Bloomberg; on radio programs; and at financial seminars around the world, analyzing major events and their impact on the global economy and financial markets. He can be heard weekly on his market commentary with world leaders, bankers, economists, and renowned investors at www.mcalvanycommentary.com.<br> <br> For information about Mr. David McAlvany, please visit www.weeklycommentary.com or www.vaulted.com. For more information about Retirement Lifestyle Advocates, please visit www.RetirementLifestyleAdvocates.com.