The Circle Way- a Leader in Every Chair with Christina Baldwin and Ann Linnea on Heart Beat radio

Heart Beat- internet radio with a pulse. Conversations with individuals who live and lead with their heart. show

Summary: Join us for the 2011 season launch of Heart Beat with Christina Baldwin & Ann Linnea from PeerSpirit as they join Julie Cusmariu intuitive life coach and host on Wednesday February 9th, 2011 After nearly 20 years of pioneering work with their original PeerSpirit Circle Process, Christina Baldwin and Ann Linnea have written a legacy contribution to the field of collaborative group practices. With a foreword by Margaret J. Wheatley, The Circle Way illustrates the application and potential of using circle in organizational settings. The book is filled with stories that bring the necessary infrastructure of circle conversation to life with examples from consulting in health care, education, religious and non-profit administration, associations and general business, applying small group transformation and large-scale intervention. Their stories prove the practicality and applicability of circle to lead to sustainable change in a variety of professional settings, including global applications from their training in Europe and Africa as well as North America. We look forward to having you join us in the chat room and by calling in to 347-215-8366.