Partner with Source as a Biz Strategy

7 Figure Spiritual Leader show

Summary: Partnering with Source is one of the most effective business strategies on the planet when applied in the physical plane (writing your book, calling in clients, money). Without it you’ll most likely be working a whole lot harder, running on adrenaline fumes and stress hormones and you may not fully actualize your global leadership movement and mission. In this episode, Danielle shares with us the truth of partnering with Source, busts the # 1 illusion lie that is the root of most overworking and action frenzies that truly stem from a lack of alignment, and the benefits of adding joy truth, love, and partners with Source to your business plan. Stayed tuned to meet Danielle’s Co-hosts and biz partners; Thoth, the Ascended Master of Infinite Knowledge, Keeper of the Akashic Records, Scribe; and The Council of Light.