Ep. 2: Illinois’ post-COVID economy with Orphe Divounguy

Illinois Rising show

Summary: <p><span data-sheets-value="{&quot;1&quot;:2,&quot;2&quot;:&quot;Unemployment, underemployment, joblessness, hiring struggles – every type of job news seems to be floating around this month. But how are things actually looking here at home in Illinois? Chief Economist Orphe Divounguy joins host Hilary Gowins to explore what the numbers really show us about what sectors are recovering fastest – and which segments of Illinois' population are being left behind.&quot;}" data-sheets-userformat='{"2":6915,"3":{"1":0},"4":{"1":2,"2":16777215},"11":4,"12":0,"14":{"1":2,"2":2236962},"15":"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"}'>Unemployment, underemployment, joblessness, hiring struggles – every type of job news seems to be floating around this month. But how are things actually looking here at home in Illinois? Chief Economist Orphe Divounguy joins host Hilary Gowins to explore what the numbers really show us about what sectors are recovering fastest – and which segments of Illinois’ population are being left behind.</span></p>