#456: What to Do When There’s No End in Sight

The Confidence Podcast  show

Summary:  <br> Podcast #456<br> What to Do When There's No End in Sight<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Overwhelm, whether it's in your personal life or your professional life, can derail your confidence, drown you in self-doubt and leave you feeling flailing for hope and purpose. In this coaching, you'll learn what to do when there's no end in sight. You'll learn how to stay filled with faith, how to have peace in your confidence, and how to think the right thoughts that will fill you with power and perseverance.<br> <br> In this episode of The Confidence Podcast, we're talking about:<br> <br> <br> <br> Overwhelm, and what to do when you feel burdened by it.How to have hope when there feels like there's no end in sight.The belief thoughts and self-talk that will help you neutralize overwhelm<br> <br> <br>  <br> REVIEW OF THE WEEK:<br> <br> <br> <br> Diving ProvidenceOnetwobree Inspired scripture tells us clearly that the one true God has predetermined every moment of suffering and joy we will ever have, but it's always incredible when you can step back and say "Ohhhh, I see why you did that there." It's funny to me how fast I found Trish once I took a tiny step towards growth. God really odes open the door when you knock. Trish tackles the real things that go through our heads in such an authentic way, but then she brings it back to Christ. It's rare and refreshing to find a coaching podcast that is more than what it seems. I'm so grateful for you, Trish! Can't wait to read your new book! -Quick announcement, opening up my waiting list, so if the Fall is the time of the year you are looking for change, go to www.trishblackwell.com/coaching<br> <br> <br> <br>  <br> OVERWHELM &amp; WHAT TO DO WHEN BURDENED BY IT<br> <br> <br> <br> Overwhelm is a feeling.It is a feeling we choose.It is brought on about our thoughts. I used to think "I'm overwhelmed, I just can't help it." Or, "I can't see an end in sight." But another point of consideration is: do you really need to see an end in sight to know that there's an end? Yes, I like knowing there's an end, but when my mind plays this game and needs proof, it's an invitation to expand my faith and my ability to callous and numb my mind to bounce back from the future moment and to stay in the present moment. Being overwhelmed feels like being flooded - it's an overload on the nervous system and brain by looking at things with a limited and small perspective, or from a place of exhaustion and hopelessness. Notice &gt;&gt;&gt; It happens because we keep going without listening to ourselves (we aren't friends to ourselves … either not slowing down, not asking for help, or not creating better habits or boundaries) … and so we miss the signals that our body or our schedule has had enough. Types of 'no end in sight feelings' &gt;&gt;&gt; financial seasons of struggle, sickness and never-ending bad news, weight loss or goals that take a long time, feeling stuck or in a dead end place in your life, anxiety and depression, email inbox or work projects, your parents expectations - or the expectations of the world for you to keep achieving… What you think on will multiple.Dwell on the bad news, and you'll feel the weight of it even more.Dwell on the hope within the bad, and you'll see pockets of peace and strength. A few mental techniques that might help: The Trampoline MethodBrain DumpToxic Thought ReframeSelf-Affirming Coaching Phrases (we'll get to those shortly)Being in a community for support (like the COC)<br> <br> <br>  <br> HOW TO HAVE HOPE WHEN THERE'S NO END IN SIGHT<br> <br> <br> <br> Everything does end.We know this.We can't see everything.Keep perspective.Fight for hope.When everything is going wrong, find adventure in looking for what is going right.Get curious about how and where overwhelm shows up in your life.I've been working on reframing overwhelm for the past 5 years in my own thoughts,