To Every Man an Answer 8/16/2021

To Every Man An Answer show

Summary: Hosts: Dillon Burroughs, Jeff Wickwire Questions: With what’s going on in the world, what do you think about buying gold? Can you tell me where in the Bible Afghanistan plays a role with End Time events? What impact did the recent symposium have on the voting situation? Can you explain Luke 9:27 to me? Have you read Pilgrim’s Progress and would you recommend it? Can you explain Proverbs 13:15 where it says “the way of transgressors is hard”? I have a friend who is saved but does not believe in the Rapture. Will she be raptured despite the fact that she doesn’t believe in it? Do we age in Heaven? Where in the Bible does it say they’ll cast their gold and silver into the street? Am I being disobedient if I don’t agree with my Pastor on a lot of things?