Program 3683 Danny Cox Pt 1 (PG)


Summary: To support this ministry financially, visit: 3683 Danny Cox Pt. 1 (Poverty, Abuse, Addiction, Prison) Danny’s father was a violent alcoholic and Danny had early memories of his mother’s wounds. When his dad died, his mom moved them to a housing project in Illinois where they scraped together barely enough to get by. Danny met God at a church revival and gave His life to the Lord at the age of 12. At the same time, he swore he would never be poor again. This led him to start businesses first a tavern, then a gym, and eventually more and more projects. He was successful in these ventures and enjoyed partying with his newfound fortune. Alcohol led to cocaine and cocaine led to crack. When Danny started dealing, he was eventually arrested. In prison, he asks God for forgiveness and starts on a path towards restoration.