#454: The Courage to Believe in Possibility

The Confidence Podcast  show

Summary:  <br> Podcast #454<br> The Courage to Believe in Possibility<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Believing that change is possible in your life, or that you can actually create a life that you love takes emotional and mental courage. Too often we short sell ourselves, our potential and our impact in this world because we aren't daring to think big enough. This podcast episode will help you understand the deeper reasons why you are holding yourself back, and, more importantly, how to start thinking differently.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> In this episode of The Confidence Podcast, we're talking about:<br> <br> <br> <br> How to know what's possible for youHow to believe in what's actually possible and available to youHow to start seeing what you thought was impossible become possible<br> <br> <br> <br> If you truly believed you could have something in your life, you would go after it.<br> <br> <br>  <br> REVIEW OF THE WEEK:<br> <br> <br> <br> You are amazing Trish, thank you!!!Sophia71411 Your podcast has given me so much hope and guidance. The cards I was dealt as a child were rough, this caused me to go into a survival mode during the years that were supposed to form me into the person I am. With that being said now I am 22 and with the guidance of God and my loved ones I have reached so many goals. But when I look in the mirror I have no idea who I am, I've never asked myself what I want or who I truly am. You are forcing me to become real and raw with myself. I am so happy I have you to help guide me in this journey of finding myself, I look forward to listening to you every day and you are truly sunshine. Thank you x 1 million!!! ((( Wiggle hugs )))<br> <br> <br> <br> <br>  <br> HOW TO KNOW WHAT'S ACTUALLY POSSIBLE FOR YOU:<br>  <br> <br> <br> Anything is possible.The results in your life are a reflection of the thoughts in your brain.You can achieve anything that matters enough to you.Giving yourself permission to want something takes courage.One of the hardest  questions to answer is this:What is it that you really want?You know deep down, but telling others, or admitting that you really, really want it, takes courage.Courage takes guts.It's showing up and not knowing how the outcome will be, but being willing to show up anyways.We all have it within us, but it's your choice to light up the fire within.<br> <br> <br> <br> And when you do, life unleashes.Question to think about:What have you decided isn't possible that you really want?Is it actually impossible? Why or why not?<br> <br> <br>  <br> HOW TO BELIEVE THAT POSSIBILITY IS AVAILABLE TO YOU:<br> <br> <br> <br> Let's talk about the courage to believe in possibility.Why don't we do it?<br> <br> <br> <br> Fear of disappointmentUnwillingness to be embarrassedSelf-consciousness and fixed thinkingWe think it's supposed to be easySometimes we stop ourselves because we don't yet know our future selvesWe fear it might be too much to handle<br> <br> <br> <br> What is possible when we open up to have the courage to believe in possibility?Spend time curating and befriending your future self.-I'm conversational with my 20-minute future self-I'm respectful of and excited for my 20-year future selfEnvision, describe, aspire, and try on the role so that the future version of you is more than a fantasy and is someone you can trust.  You are trustworthy of the success ahead of you, even if you don't feel capable of handling it right now.<br> <br> <br>  <br> SPONSORSHIP NOTE: BETTERHELP<br> <br> <br> <br> Is there something interfering with your happiness? Have you been wanting to start counseling, but not know where to look or start? <br> <br> <br> <br> BetterHelp will assess your needs and match you with your own licensed professional therapist. You get to connect in a safe and private online env...