A Healthy Soul – EP85 (Prov. 22:4)

The One Thing - United Faith Church Podcast show

Summary: Proverbs 22:4Humility is the fear of the Lord; its wages are riches and honor and lifeHello and welcome back to the One Thing podcast.<br> <br> Think with me for a moment today. How many of us at some point, maybe currently or especially this past year, have had moments where we worried about our health because of COVID-19, that has spread so rapidly, or other diseases or just in general? Maybe some type of health concern that we've had for ourselves, wondering what kind of nutrients we can take in, or vitamins, or how we can protect ourselves with maybe certain face shields, whatever it may be? At some moment, we may be thinking about our health and wondering how we can keep up with it.<br> <br> All the things that we think about, whether it's vitamins and all the different medicines, I'm sure that they're very helpful but one thing I want to talk about today is not only our physical health but the health of our heart. The health of our soul.<br> <br> “See, much more important than the body is the soul.” See, much more important than the body is the soul. Much more important than the flesh is what is on the inside. Now, I'm not a doctor so I can't tell you what vitamins to be taking but what I can suggest today is something for the soul. I can suggest today the Word of the Lord. The fear of the Lord, which is as a medication. The Bible makes clear that those who fear the Lord find nourishment and good health within their bones, within their bodies, within their spirit. How can this be?<br> <br> Well, one of my favorite verses I’d like to share today is [Proverbs 22:4] and it says, “Humility is the fear of the Lord; its wages are riches, honor and life.”<br> <br> So, what is it to fear the Lord? It's a very healthy thing to do. See, the fear of the Lord is not spoken about much today but it's so crucial and so important for those who believe in the Lord. Now, what is the fear of the Lord? It says, “Humility is the fear of the Lord” and when we think of humility, it's not looking at ourselves and kind of looking down on ourselves or kind of beating ourselves up but true humility simply is this: it's a realistic estimation of who we truly are without the Lord.<br> <br> See, without the Lord I am not wise. Without the Lord Jesus, I am dead on the inside. Without Him, I am lost. I am a broken man but through His power, through His love and through His mighty Word, through His power through Christ alone, I am able to come into the fear of the Lord. I am able to get a good, realistic estimation of myself but also a good realistic estimation of the Lord Jesus Christ. That He is King. He is powerful and those who call upon His name find strength. That is the fear of the Lord, to be bowing before Him, to be humbling ourselves before Him.<br> <br> “What is life? It's a soul full of the health of the Lord Jesus Christ that is not lost in brokenness...” And what are their wages? What is the result? It says, “...riches, honor and life.” Now, riches can mean so many different things. Maybe yes, He will bless us with physical things but even deeper than that, the richness of love, the richness of His presence. We know honor, being able to honor Him and most of all, life. What is life? It's a soul full of the health of the Lord Jesus Christ that is not lost in brokenness. A soul not moving in darkness and in wickedness but a soul overtaken by the presence of God. “Humility is the fear of the Lord; and its wages are riches, honor and life.”<br> <br> May we not just be searching for vitamins for our physical health. May we not just be worried about the outside but I'm praying today that we would be looking on the inside. Do we fear the Lord? Are we humble before His presence? If not, today may we call upon the Lord Jesus. May we bow before Him that riches, honor, and life would arise and that His name would be exalted. Praying today that you would find good health and nourishment on the deep inside of you...