A Conversation on Data Security with Gary Doernhoefer

Resolutions: A Podcast About Dispute Resolution and Prevention show

Summary: Our guest today, Gary Doernhoefer, has thought about this issue from a number of angles. Gary is the founder of ADR Notable, a software platform designed for dispute resolution professionals. You can learn more about ADR Notable at www.adrnotable.com. One of the many dynamics magnified by the pandemic is the need to secure our data. We get a lot of it as neutrals, and we have to make sure it remains confidential and is safely discarded. For more on data security, visit Cybersecurity in International Arbitration, where you’ll find an excellent general checklist applicable to most ADR practitioners, and each section in the table of contents is clickable for more information. Thank you to ADR Notable for being a sponsor at the 2021 Dispute Resolution Spring Conference! Cybersecurity in International Arbitration https://cdn.arbitration-icca.org/s3fs-public/document/media_document/icca-nyc_bar-cpr_cybersecurity_protocol_for_international_arbitration_-_electronic_version.pdf