Conversation Reparations – Virtual Post-Hearing H.R. 40 Reparations Forum

Black Talk Radio Network show

Summary: N’COBRA and NBCI Trust co-hosted the H.R. 40 Reparations Bill Post-Hearing Forum in February 2021. Conversation Reparations will rebroadcast the first hour of this virtual forum and Q&A session. "Reparationists, activists, scholars, and organizers discuss the H.R. 40 Bill and answer your questions concerning the movement for reparations and how to push forward. N’COBRA, The National Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in America is an organization based out of Washington, DC, that seeks full repair for the descendants of former victims of slavery in the United States based on the United Nations’s five forms of Reparations. Visit N’COBRA online. On Twitter @NCOBRA40