#242 – How to Use Pinterest in Unique Ways for Your Business

Simple Pin Podcast: Simple ways to boost your business using Pinterest show

Summary: <br> We talk a lot about how to use Pinterest for your business through <a href="https://www.simplepinmedia.com/pinterest-analytics/">pinning strategy</a>, best practices, and various <a href="https://www.simplepinmedia.com/pinterest-image-size/">pin styles</a>, but have you considered some of the non-traditional uses for Pinterest in your business? <br> As people who run small businesses, we find that we can get fatigued with ideas and feel overwhelmed. That can make us want to shut down and not do any type of marketing at all.<br> Today we’d like to talk about some unique ways to use Pinterest for your business in the hopes that it will generate some ideas for you and give you some new perspective.<br> Specifically, we’re going to dive into ideas for:<br> <br> * interior design<br> * photography/art<br> * music<br> * food<br> * fashion.<br> <br> Before we dive into that topic, I want to let you know that our <a href="https://www.simplepinmedia.com/ads-society/">Simple Pin Ads Society</a> is opening up for one week (beginning on June 7th). It is a low-cost monthly membership community that guides you through the ins and outs of <a href="https://www.simplepinmedia.com/pinterest-ads">Pinterest ads.</a><br> If you’re on another platform like Facebook and you’re ready to diversify your marketing and go to another space to find new customers, we believe advertising on Pinterest is the way to go.<br> Our Promote Pins Director, Erin, will help you learn how to leverage Pinterest ads to get new customers or new readers. We want to help you use Pinterest ads effectively so you’re getting the results you want.<br> Inside the <a href="https://www.simplepinmedia.com/ads-society/">Simple Pin Ads Society</a>, we offer<br> <br> * monthly workshops<br> * hot seats<br> * live Q&amp;A calls<br> * campaign assessments.<br> <br> Instead of a Facebook group, we have a forum where you can communicate with our team and ask questions.  <br> I strongly recommend that you join this community if you are thinking of making Pinterest ads a part of your advertising strategy. Go <a href="https://www.simplepinmedia.com/ads-society/">check it out and get on the waitlist</a> so you can be notified next week when it opens. <br> How to Use Pinterest in Unique Ways for Your Business<br> One of the things we know that <a href="https://www.simplepinmedia.com/pinterests-goals-for-2021/">Pinterest is putting a lot of effort into in 2021 is shop integrations. </a><br> If you are a <a href="https://www.simplepinmedia.com/using-pinterest-to-sell-products/">product seller</a>, I want you to know that behind the scenes we have been interviewing product sellers and diving deep to understand how to make Pinterest work for you.<br> We know your profit margins are smaller and there’s a big struggle. So, as we work through these ideas, I want you to be thinking about how to connect with your person in the most effective way to get them to purchase your product. <br> If you’re a content creator or a <a href="https://www.simplepinmedia.com/pinterest-marketing-for-service-providers/">service provider</a>, I want you to be thinking the same thing. How do you connect with your person on the other side who doesn’t really know who you are?<br> Let’s get started by thinking about <a href="https://www.simplepinmedia.com/pinterest-group-boards-service-based-business/">Pinterest board collaboration</a>, inspiration, information, and helping your people make a decision.<br> I want you to remember that <a href="https://www.simplepinmedia.com/pinterest-user-statistics/">Pinterest users</a> are looking for a solution to what their problem is or what their future project is. I joke about this many times in interviews, but Pinterest people don’t really care about you. That’s not to say you’re not important, but they’re not looking for a person, they’re looking for a solution.<br> With that perspective,