True Holiness – EP84 (Leviticus 11:45)

The One Thing - United Faith Church Podcast show

Summary: Leviticus 11:45<br> I am the Lord, who brought you up out of Egypt to be your God; therefore be holy, because I am holy.Hello and welcome back to the One Thing podcast. What is holiness? What does it mean to be holy? Leviticus 11:45 in the Scripture says, “I am the Lord, who brought you out of Egypt to be your God; therefore be holy, because I am holy.” What a call God has for those who trust in Him! What a call that God has to be His!<br> ”Holiness is a heart”He says that He brought us out of Egypt. Now for us, for many that may be listening right now, Egypt may be a lot of different things. Maybe God delivered you from some illness that you had; maybe God delivered your mind from a certain mindset; maybe God has even now begun something special that you know that He's doing in your life - either way, He is the God who brings us out of Egypt. He is the God who brings us out of the old, out of darkness and into the light, so that He can be our God - we can serve and love Him!<br> ”I will live, God, as though I am set apart for the King; as though I am set apart for the Lover of my soul, for the Lord Jesus Christ.”What a wonderful, amazing God that we are called by - and He says that because He brought us out of Egypt, He requires us to also be Holy. And God wants us to understand what it means to be holy as He is holy. You see, it's not about our moral values - it's important to really think about our values, what we value what we don't; it is very important to make sure that our values reflect the Scripture, the Word of God, the teachings of God, which is definitely something special in our lives - but it's not our moral values that cause us to be holy. It's not our disciplines; maybe the discipline of not being excessive with things like television or food or whatever it may be. See, personal disciplines or even spiritual disciplines are important - and they also have a place in the life of a believer, in the life of a Christian - but our disciplines are not what make us holy.<br> ”...As we live in true holiness and understand what He has called us to, we can walk as those who belong to God!”See, holiness is a heart. It's a heart that is settled saying, “God, You have purchased me with the precious blood of Your Son, and now I belong to You. Father, You delivered me from Egypt and I will never forget; and I will never forget all that You have done, and now I see that I owe my life to You.” What a wonderful way to live: in holiness, which really means to be set apart for God. It means to have the mindset and the heart, thinking that whether we're at work, whether we’re at school, whether we’re in the church or we’re in our car, just truly knowing that we belong to the Lord, and our lives will reflect it. I will live, God, as though I am set apart for the King; as though I am set apart for the Lover of my soul, for the Lord Jesus Christ.<br> When we are told and instructed to live as Jesus lived - how did He truly live? He lived in holiness - He lived set apart for the Father. What a special call for each one of us! What a wonderful call knowing that as we live set apart for Him, as we live in true holiness and understand what He has called us to, we can walk as those who belong to God! Praying that we would be set apart today. Praying that we would understand the call to holiness. and that each one of us would step into it this day by God's strength and power. Amen!