Helping a Grieving World

Reaching Your World with Luis Palau show

Summary: Our world is so big, but sometimes it seems small because of tools like the internet. We can see videos of countries oceans away, places we have only read about. But this opens us up to the griefs of the world. There are many countries in pain. From diseases like malaria and Ebola, to political strife, to poverty and terrorism, countries are grieving the losses of children, parents, and hope. What can we do from thousands of miles away, with so many far-away people in pain? First, we should not lose hope. 1 Thessalonians says we should not grieve as others do who have no hope. We should believe that God can change the pains of this world. Second, we should be praying hard. We can pray for God to move in these communities, to bring his light and life to those suffering. We can pray for evil dictators to be torn down, for societies that discriminate against women and children to change, and for racial oppression to cease. We know that God can do mighty things when his people pray. So, pray – since you really do care. Third, we should do what we can to ease the suffering. Maybe this means not buying certain products, or giving money to microfinance organizations. Whatever we can do to ease the griefs of this world, we should do: in the name of Jesus our comfort and hope. This is Luis Palau.