421 | Change Your Family Tree Leave A Lasting Legacy

The Chris LoCurto Show show

Summary: 421 | Change Your Family Tree: Leave a Lasting Legacy<br><br>Hey folks! <br><br>I don’t think anyone would dispute the perspective that it's a good thing to leave good things to our children after we’re gone. The book of Proverbs really puts it into perspective for us, “Good people leave an inheritance to their grandchildren…” (Pro. 13:22). Listen to that language! Leaving an inheritance to our children’s children is a good thing to do!<br><br>But what usually comes to mind when you hear the words inheritance and legacy? <br><br>Today, I want to press beyond our usual interpretations of just money and earthly possessions. Those are “good” gifts, but what about the unseen things that we leave to our children? Things hidden in our root system. We leave all kinds of things, good and bad, for our kids to inherit. Maybe what comes to mind are the intangibles like character, work ethic and skill set. We don’t always equate them with a legacy that gets passed down, but we should!<br><br>On today’s episode, we’ll explore what you and I can do today to enrich the legacies that we’ll be leaving behind to loved ones. Imagine the home that you’re building today: I mean the culture and the environment that can literally be felt by a guest when they walk through the door. Things like love and acceptance, peace and a sense of security. Now imagine what might be holding you back from creating the home that you want your kids to inherit. <br><br>Changing your family tree means changing yourself first and foremost. It’s hard work - there’s no doubt about it! But the family tree that changes for the better is itself a lasting legacy that extends beyond ourselves; it’s a gift that keeps on giving for generations!<br><br>Enjoy today’s episode,<br>Chris<br>Resources &amp; Links<br>Podcasts referenced:<br><a href="https://chrislocurto.com/403-the-healthy-vineyard/" rel="noopener">https://chrislocurto.com/403-the-healthy-vineyard/</a>