423 | Limiting Belief Systems: Lies Leaders Tell Themselves

The Chris LoCurto Show show

Summary: 423 | Limiting Beliefs: Lies Leaders Tell Themselves<br>Hey folks! <br>I’m really excited to share this week’s podcast with you, it’s all about the beliefs that we hold, and specifically the ones that hold us back in both life and leadership. Think about that for a second, there could be things you’re believing right now - that really aren’t true - and they’re keeping you from going to the next level as a leader.<br>"The very way that you believe your life is, the very way that you believe you are, is how you are going to define your worth."<br>"We take our focus off of ourselves, put it on other people, and say "how do we get them to the next level?"<br>Leaders, your worth is not in having the answers, your worth is not in being the one who knows everything. Your worth to the business is to duplicate yourself. It is to make people great."<br>Here are a few sample “lies” that we deal with on this episode; these are limiting beliefs that keep us back, things like:<br><br>-I equate my position in the company with my value as a person<br>-My team’s performance is a direct reflection of my leadership<br>-If I show people my ignorance they will lose respect for me<br><br>And, well the list is quite long, but you get the point. Everyone of us gets stuck somewhere, inside our own heads, wrestling with limiting beliefs. But, there’s good news, the quicker we are able to identify the lies, the faster we can get to the truth about ourselves or the situation, get unstuck and move past them! <br>Today, you’ll discover how to do just that, helping you to take your leadership to the next level!<br><br>Enjoy today’s episode,<br>Chris