We the People: Rights vs. Responsibilities | GC15

Good Change: Conversations About Making a World of Difference show

Summary: If anyone is qualified to speak as an advocate for the elimination of gun violence and the reduction of weapons of wars on our community streets, it is Dr. Kyleanne Hunter, PhD. As a hunter, former Marine, and now Air Force Academy professor, Kyleanne speaks about and encourages gun control from all sides of this issue. She was the first woman pilot of the Super Cobra attack helicopter, served multiple deployments in war zones, and was awarded seven Airstrike-Medals as this warship captain. She is all too familiar with the military version of the AR15, having experienced firefights in various battle zones. She is keenly aware of the politics and economics of gun manufacturers, having finished her active-duty time as the Marine Corps’ Legislative Liaison Office of the House of Representatives. Her perspectives are powerful and based in fully qualifying experiences that very few of us have. In this episode, learn about the preamble to the U.S. Constitution as the guiding section of the Bill of Rights; how the Second Amendment was designed to protect the citizenry and not individual; the absolute need to live from the code that our rights can’t exceed our responsibilities; the consequences on our children from environments rife with PTSD producing influences; that the NRA has morphed from its original intent into a marketing arm of weapons manufacturers; how most gun owners want to drastically reduce gun violence; and what you can do on a local and individual level to effect change on our streets.