Fla. Medical Director Dr. Antevy anticipates the return of the EMS conference

Inside EMS show

Summary: With Inside EMS co-host Chris Cebollero away on vacation, Kelly Grayson is joined by guest host Rob Lawrence. They welcome Dr. Peter Antevy, MD, who serves as the EMS medical director for Coral Springs-Parkland (Fla.) Fire Department, Davie Fire Rescue and Palm Beach County Fire Rescue. Dr. Antevy is also the founder and chief medical officer of Handtevy – Pediatric Emergency Standards, Inc.  The show begins with a reflection on the life and achievements of Paramedic Ted Setla, a highly regarded EMS filmmaker who suffered an SCA last week and whose family said is not expected to live.  The group then touches on the return of EMS conferences after a year of Zoom gatherings. Dr. Antevy discusses the upcoming "First There First Care" conference and the much-anticipated "Gathering of Eagles" in its new Florida location this summer from June 14-18. Dr. Antevy also talks about his new web series, Reel Emergency, a collaboration between Drs. Mark Piehl and David Spiro, and Prodigy EMS. The group also discuss the "secret sauce" of delivering an online education session. Are you a fan of the show? Please rate and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts. Have an idea for a show topic or guest? Send your suggestions to theshow@ems1.com.