#238 – Our New Pinterest Framework: Inspire – Inform – Decide

Simple Pin Podcast: Simple ways to boost your business using Pinterest show

Summary: <br> For a long time now I’ve been struggling to come up with a Pinterest framework that tells us how we learn about our audience. How do we discover where they are in their buyer’s journey or what led them to your site or product. Today we’re talking about a new framework we are using here at Simple Pin Media that guides how we gather this information.<br> We’ve been here for five years on the <a href="https://www.simplepinmedia.com/simple-pin-podcast/">Simple Pin Podcast</a> talking about Pinterest marketing and how it can help you grow your business. We want to continue to cover topics you want to know more about. <br> We’d be forever grateful if you would share your thoughts on topics and guests you would be interested in hearing from on our <a href="https://www.simplepinmedia.com/podsurvey">podcast survey.</a> <br> It’s <a href="https://www.simplepinmedia.com/podsurvey">a quick 10-minute survey</a>, I promise! <br> We’re giving away three $50 Amazon gift cards to people selected from those who fill out this survey. The winner will be chosen at midnight PST on May 31, 2021. <br> Now let’s get back to today’s episode. <br> <br>  <br> Pinterest Framework Background<br> For the past couple of years, I’ve had this vision rolling around in my head and I just couldn’t put it into words. Today we are talking about how I found those words, the importance of truly knowing where your audience is at now and what their needs are, and finally, we will talk about how to inspire, inform, and help them make a decision!<br> Simple Pin Media is not a plug-and-play <a href="https://www.simplepinmedia.com/maintenance-packages/">Pinterest management service</a>. We are a high touch management service. Our goal is to really know you, your brand, and your goals. <br> That high touch philosophy starts way back at the step where you fill out that very first form on our website, even before you sign up for our services.<br> Our contact form is intentionally long because we want to really understand you through the information you provide. We want to serve you well and that comes from knowing that you are a good fit for us and we are a good fit for you. <br> Once we receive a form, potential clients participate in a discovery call that helps us get to know each other better. Once we know we are a good fit for each other, we determine the best service package for you. <br> So I kept thinking about that initial entry point as it relates to you – our clients.<br> How do we help you understand where you’re really connecting with your customers?<br> This is at the core of what we do here at Simple Pin.<br> We decided to interview a few of our current e-commerce clients.<br> We know that <a href="https://www.simplepinmedia.com/pinterest-strategy-ecommerce/">serving an e-commerce business owner</a> is much different than a blogger/content creator or a person offering services/coaching. We wanted to learn from our e-commerce clients what their biggest pain point was and how we can meet that need.<br> We interviewed Kirsten, from <a href="https://juleptile.com/">Julep Tile Company</a>. They sell beautiful handmade tiles. <br> We asked Kirsten what she needs from us as it pertains to getting more sales from Pinterest. What she said really hit home. <br> <br> I don’t need you guys to get them to my checkout page. This is such a big purchase, I need to get them on the phone so I can help them decide.  So I don’t need you to help them decide. When I’m on the phone I hear that they found me on Pinterest. — Kirsten<br> <br> Kirsten explicitly stated that she needed our help to inspire potential clients. She can talk her clients through the process of choosing the right tile if we help get them to her website. From there, she can personally get them to the purchase decision.<br> All of a sudden it clicked!<br> The decision to purchase doesn’t happen on Pinterest,...