Did the Algorithm Blow My Sale?, with Upol Ehsan

The Interaction Hour show

Summary: Over the past half a decade or so, the field of deep learning has exploded. Artificial intelligence and machine learning are experiencing their moments in the spotlight – both in research corners and in popular culture. As with anything being given so much attention and hype, it’s difficult to separate the fact from the fiction. Users want to understand AI – how does it work? What is it capable of? Why does it come to one decision over another? A lot of effort has gone into opening the proverbial black box to better understand the AI. Not as much time has been spent on the other half of the equation: Humans. Today, we’ll speak to one Georgia Tech researcher, whose team will present work on this primary topic at the upcoming ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. What role do humans play in the infrastructure of AI? How can a better understanding of this role lead to better design? For a successful human-AI relationship, do we need to gain trust in our technological counterparts – or do we already trust them too much?<br><br>Featuring: Georgia Tech Ph.D. student Upol Ehsan