‘Safe Ground’ Sites For Unhoused Residents, Project Roomkey Update / How Small Businesses In Sacramento Are Surviving COVID-19 Economy / Anxiety Of Going Out Into Society

Insight With Vicki Gonzalez show

Summary: <p>It's been a challenging time for small businesses since the pandemic began a little more than a year ago. Nationwide polling shows many have cut employee hours, significantly changed their business model, or have closed permanently; we hear from small business owners in Sacramento about how they're surviving COVID-19. Plus, a closer look at Project Roomkey happenings and new 'safe ground' sites opening for unhoused residents and the anxieties about going out into society as pandemic restrictions continue to loosen.</p> <p><strong>Today's Guests</strong></p> <ul> <li>CapRadio PolitiFact California Reporter <strong><a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="/about/bios/chris-nichols/" target="_blank">Chris Nichols</a></strong> on the first pair of city-sponsored<a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="/articles/2021/04/20/sacramento-opens-first-city-sanctioned-camping-and-parking-sites-for-homeless-residents/" target="_blank"> 'safe ground' </a>sites opening for unhoused residents, and updates on Sacramento County's <a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="/articles/2021/04/20/sacramento-county-to-keep-motels-for-homeless-residents-open-through-august/" target="_blank">plans </a>with Project Roomkey motel rooms </li> <li>Small business owners in Sacramento <a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="/articles/2021/04/19/how-these-small-businesses-in-sacramento-are-surviving-the-covid-19-economy/" target="_blank">explain </a>their challenges and triumphs during the pandemic and how they’re surviving the COVID-19 economy</li> <li>Sacramento Metro Chamber of Commerce CEO <strong><a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://metrochamber.org/amanda-blackwood-president-ceo/" target="_blank">Amanda Blackwood</a></strong> on the challenges still facing small businesses and the best ways to support them during this time</li> <li>Michigan State University Physician, Associate Professor of Medicine, and Director of Wellness, Resilience and Vulnerable Populations <strong><a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://humanmedicine.msu.edu/FACULTY_STAFF/Faculty-Peer-Support-Program.htm" target="_blank">Dr. Claudia Finkelstein</a></strong> on the anxieties and stressors about going out into <a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://theconversation.com/anxious-about-going-out-into-the-world-youre-not-alone-but-theres-help-158022" target="_blank">society</a> as pandemic restrictions continue to loosen</li> </ul>