To the South Pole: Going Colder and Further for Dreams to Come True | GC08

Good Change: Conversations About Making a World of Difference show

Summary: For over sixty days, covering more than 800 miles on skis while pulling a 350-pound sled, forty-something Norwegian Astrid Furholt carried the loving advice of one man and the hopes and dreams of an entire nation as she fought the elements to reach the South Pole. This story is a testimonial to the strength of mind, soul, character, and prayer, one that will deeply touch your heart. As the first woman to reach the South Pole while following most of the arduous route taken by fellow countryman Roald Amundsen 100 years earlier, Astrid stirs in all of us the need to dream and to act on these dreams to fully live life, and to make the world a much, much better place. As she has. With Astrid’s conversation, you will find out how one person can quietly but completely and positively transform the life of another; what perseverance means when it comes to success; that it this the doing of the thing that matters most; what is physically possible when the mind is the motor; to pray big in order to do big; and that a country lifting one person up can be reciprocated when that person returns the favor by inspiring a country full of supporters to live their own dreams.