Episode 178 - The Ugly Vegetables

Fuse 8 n' Kate show

Summary: In the hopes of recognizing some Asian and Asian-American picture books that don't, for a change, contain horrible stereotypes, Kate and Betsy wanted to look at a good book. Trouble is, they have a 20-year rule when it comes to books they consider. That means no Bee-Bim Bop and no Henry and the Kite Dragon. They're too recent! Betsy eschewed The Name Jar since it was a little too close to the content of last week's Chrysanthemum. But why not do the very first Grace Lin picture book? So she snagged the ten-year anniversary edition. We compare aspects of this to The Little Red Hen (eat yer posies, neighbors!) and speculate as to whether or not Grace Lin might want to become a vegetable seed supplier if this whole writing-award-winning-children's-books gig doesn't work out. Show Notes: - Not for the kiddos, here is a link to Amy Schumer's carrot. It is . . . far worse than you imagine: https://www.cheatsheet.com/entertainment/amy-schumers-hilarious-thanksgiving-carrot-has-2020-written-all-over-it.html/ - Here is where you can go to find the obscure stories that didn't make it into Wild Things: Acts of Mischief in Children's Literature. Just keep scrolling down and they will eventually reveal themselves to you: http://wildthings.blaine.org/ - Betsy Recommends: The Pop Culture Happy Hour episodes on the Muppets here: https://www.npr.org/2021/04/01/983488978/top-10-muppets-as-voted-by-listeners - Betsy Recommends: The podcast Anglophilia: https://www.anglophiliapodcast.com/ - Kate Recommends: Our dad's poem A Homily in the Church of Baseball: https://fetzer.org/blog/homily-church-baseball?fbclid=IwAR2Uaw4isUMKfneMk-ppTT7Lzs46CNznUkph4Xwevp9xDVFc7b9klwihWqc For the full Show Notes please visit: http://blogs.slj.com/afuse8production/2021/04/05/fuse-8-n-kate-the-ugly-vegetables-by-grace-lin/