The Scott Horton Show - Jay Schweikert: New Mexico Ends Qualified Immunity for All Public Officials Studio show

Summary: Scott talks to Jay Schweikert about the promising developments in New Mexico, where a new state-wide law has been enacted that repeals qualified immunity as a legal defense for any public official. This is a similar move, says Schweikert, to legislation adopted recently in Colorado and New York City, but whereas in those places the new measures apply only to police officers, the New Mexico law covers all government employees. Scott and Schweikert consider this a great first step in eliminating the unjust privileges that protect public figures from being held accountable for their actions. Discussed on the show: “New Mexico Enacts Landmark Qualified Immunity Reform Legislation for All Public Officials” (Cato Institute) Jay Schweikert is a policy analyst with the Cato Institute’s Project on Criminal Justice. Follow him on Twitter @jay_schweikert. This episode of the Scott Horton Show is sponsored by: The War State, by Mike Swanson; Tom Woods’ Liberty Classroom;; Photo IQ; Green Mill Supercritical; Zippix Toothpicks; and Listen and Think Audio. Shop Libertarian Institute merch or donate to the show through Patreon, PayPal or Bitcoin: 1DZBZNJrxUhQhEzgDh7k8JXHXRjYu5tZiG.