Police Accountability Bills In California / Officially Recognizing Armenian Genocide / New Summer STEM Program For 9th Graders / Preparing For Lyrid Meteor Shower

Insight With Vicki Gonzalez show

Summary: <p>A plethora of police accountability bills are moving through the State Capitol; we examine how they could change policing in California and why Governor Newsom vetoed one of them just last year.</p> <p>The state’s Armenian-American community is also waiting to see if President Biden will keep his campaign promise to officially recognize the Armenian Genocide of 1915. Plus, what to expect from the Lyrid Meteor Shower.</p> <p><strong>Today's Guests</strong></p> <ul> <li>CapRadio Politics Reporter and <em>California State of Mind</em> podcast co-host <strong><a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="/about/bios/nicole-nixon/" target="_blank">Nicole Nixon</a></strong> discusses the latest police accountability legislation making the rounds at the state capitol</li> <li>UC Davis Professor and Founding Director of Human Rights Studies <strong><a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://human-rights.ucdavis.edu/people/keith-watenpaugh" target="_blank">Keith David Watenpaugh</a></strong> on the importance of recognizing genocide, past and present, including the Armenian Genocide of 1915 and California’s troubled history of genocide against its Native American population</li> <li>Regional Program Director of West Coast for SMASH <strong><a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://www.smash.org/about/staff/" target="_blank">Alicia Parise</a></strong> talks about a free summer program at UC Davis for students underrepresented in STEM  </li> <li>Meteoroid Environment Program Manager for NASA <strong><a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://sma.nasa.gov/sma-disciplines/meteoroid-environments" target="_blank">Bill Cooke</a></strong> shares viewing tips for the <a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://sma.nasa.gov/sma-disciplines/meteoroid-environments" target="_blank">Lyrids</a>, one of the oldest known meteor showers, peaking this week</li> </ul>