St. Joseph Novena Day 3

Discerning Hearts - Catholic Podcasts show

Summary: DAY THREE<br> <br> Blessed St. Joseph,<br> enkindle in our cold hearts a spark of your charity.<br> May God be always the first<br> and only object of our affections.<br> Keep our souls always in sanctifying grace and,<br> if we should be so unhappy as to lose it,<br> give us the strength to recover it immediately<br> by a sincere repentance.<br> Help us to such a love of our God<br> as will always keep us united to Him.<br> <br> O glorious St. Joseph,<br> through the love you bear to Jesus Christ<br> and for the glory of His name,<br> hear our prayers<br> and obtain our petitions.<br> <br> (State your request here...)<br> <br> Amen.<br> <br> Saint Joseph, pray for us!