#233 – How Pinterest’s Goals for 2021 Should Influence Your Marketing Strategy

Simple Pin Podcast: Simple ways to boost your business using Pinterest show

Summary: <br>  <br> Today we’re delivering a full recap of the <a href="https://news.alphastreet.com/pinterest-inc-pins-q4-2020-earnings-call-transcript/?fbclid=IwAR29PQhCGOpfVumlz8Dsf4DapYFb1JQpeQV4NwHfoBVe2XFZkS6Mxo6iygc">Q4 earnings report that Pinterest delivered</a> to investors.<br> There is some fantastic information regarding Pinterest’s goals and  priorities for 2021, including where they see the most growth in investments, and what that means for<br> <br> * shopping<br> * ads<br> * story pins.<br> <br> Before we dive in, I want to remind you about our<a href="https://www.simplepinmedia.com/collective"> Simple Pin Collective</a>, which is our Pinterest marketing membership community. We teach in the context of a membership model because we believe it’s better than a course model. The Collective gives you access to a full learning library, as well as coaching and mentors that hold you accountable for taking action.<br> Membership also includes access to Collective Connections groups (little mastermind groups that support you). In addition, I do two coaching calls per month. We stay up to date on all things Pinterest.<br> It is the best place to get information, education, and support for Pinterest Marketing in your business. You can join us by selecting the <a href="https://www.simplepinmedia.com/the-simple-pin-collective/">Collective tab</a> above under Simple Pin Products.<br> If you want to know more about how we teach before joining, you can consume any of our free resources by clicking on the Free Resources tab and get our <a href="https://www.simplepinmedia.com/pinterest-keyword-guide/">free keyword guide</a> or <a href="https://www.simplepinmedia.com/pinterest-image-guide/">free image guide</a>.<br> Alrighty, let’s dive into the fun!<br> <br> Ben Silbermann, CEO of Pinterest, laid out their predictions for growth and investment and detailed four main objectives for 2021. He began by reminding everyone of the overall vision of Pinterest. <br> <br> Our mission is to bring everyone the inspiration to create a life they love. — Ben Silbermann, Pinterest CEO<br> <br> Pinterest predicts their growth and investment in 2021 will be in the following areas:<br> <br> * gen Z
<br> * international expansion<br> * video consumption
<br> * story pins
<br> * shopping
<br> <br> With this in mind, here are the four main objectives Pinterest has for this year.<br> Pinterest’s Goals for 2021<br>  <br> Goal #1 – Deliver Inspiring Content<br> Pinterest wants to continue to invest in emerging formats like video. They feel video represents a dynamic new way to deliver how-to tutorials and storytelling. For creators, they view story pins as a new way to publish short-form, multi-page content. <br> Story pins on Pinterest serve a different purpose compared to stories on other platforms. Story pins are geared more towards the “how-to” and telling a little bit of a story about something that will inspire people.  This is in stark contrast to Instagram stories, which are more focused on entertainment and capturing temporary life moments.<br> Also, <a href="https://www.simplepinmedia.com/pinterest-story-pins/">story pins</a> are unique because they live forever on the platform. <br> On Instagram and SnapChat, stories disappear after 24 hours. I do have to give Pinterest props for not making story pins time-sensitive. They understand that pinners want to be inspired. If they are inspired by a story pin and want to revisit it, they have to have a way to keep it. <br> Related: <a href="https://www.simplepinmedia.com/is-pinterest-social-media/">Is Pinterest Social Media?</a><br> Goal #2 – Deepen the Pinner Experience<br> In 2020, a goal for Pinterest was to be more useful and introduce people to more ways to use their platform through improved relevance of recommendations and more diverse content.