Episode 177 - Chrysanthemum

Fuse 8 n' Kate show

Summary: Her children mocked MOCKED Betsy, I say, when she informed them that she and Kate had not yet discussed Chrysanthemum on the podcast. Why the shock and horror? Well, apparently they've done 176 episodes and yet completely failed to acknowledge what could arguably be called Kevin Henkes's most famous picture book. Why the bold claim? Well, insofar as we can tell, 21st century children find themselves being read this book MULTIPLE times during the course of their school career. And why not? This is peak Henkes, back when he was in the thick of his mouse-related picture books phase. And now, Kate and Betsy are able to right a great wrong. And they have so many questions! Why does Victoria always wear gloves? What's that furry thing coming out of Chrysanthemum's pocket? Where else would Mrs. Chud like to be? And finally, could this book really be written today? Show Notes: - One thing that Betsy failed to mention in the course of this podcast is that Kevin Henkes has a new novel out this year. Billy Miller Makes a Wish, the sequel to The Year of Billy Miller, is out April 6th. So, soon! - To read the only interview with Kevin Henkes I was able to find about writing Chrysanthemum, go here: http://www.judynewmanatscholastic.com/blog/2019/08/author-interview-kevin-henkes-chrysanthemum/ - And finally, this book came in at #66 on the Top 100 Picture Books Poll, back in the day: https://blogs.slj.com/afuse8production/2012/05/23/top-100-picture-books-66-chrysanthemum-by-kevin-henkes/ To read the full Show Notes please visit us here: http://blogs.slj.com/afuse8production/2021/03/29/fuse-8-n-kate-chrysanthemum-by-kevin-henkes