Push For Guaranteed Income / Equality Act, Long Beach Lifeguard Tower Burning / Solving Decades-Old Serial Killer Case

Insight With Vicki Gonzalez show

Summary: <p>A growing number of Northern California cities are experimenting with minimum guaranteed income; we speak with former Stockton Mayor Michael Tubbs, who helped spearhead the movement. Also, we’re joined by a reporter who’s trying to solve a decades-old serial killer case, and the perpetrator could still be alive.</p> <p><strong>Today's Guests</strong></p> <ul> <li>Former Mayor of Stockton <a href="http://mtubbs.com/"><strong>Michael Tubbs</strong></a> discusses the push by city leaders in California to experiment with minimum basic income programs similar to what he initiated years ago</li> <li>Equality California Managing Director <a href="https://www.eqca.org/about/our-staff/"><strong>Tony Hoang</strong></a> explains the details of the Equality Act in Congress</li> <li>Long Beach Mayor <a href="http://www.longbeach.gov/mayor/about/meet-mayor-garcia/"><strong>Robert Garcia</strong></a> talks about the recent burning of a lifeguard tower painted with Pride colors and why he thinks the incident was a hate crime</li> <li>San Francisco Chronicle Reporter <a href="https://www.sfchronicle.com/projects/doodler-true-crime-podcast/chapter-two"><strong>Kevin Fagan</strong></a> with his new Podcast, The Doodler, and why remembering the era in which these murders took place help shine a light on LGBTQ struggles over the decades</li> </ul>