Ep 128: 4 ways to hold SERIOUS, big stuff with light-hearted creativity

Heartful: living a wildly creative life show

Summary: What do you get when you hold things lightly? Dangerous freedom! You have a bias toward action and GOING for it when you’re not so worried about the outcome--even when it’s “serious”. Mentions: 6 Hacks for Skyrocketing Creativity (Even If You're Super Busy): https://brookebschultz.com/get-creating/ What To Wear for Family Photos at Home: http://brookeschultzphotography.com/join/ Ep 120: The ONE habit to keep when everything else goes to cra‪p‬: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-120-the-one-habit-to-keep-when-everything-else-goes-to-crap/id1438076373?i=1000506859854