Write to your Dad

Reaching Your World with Luis Palau show

Summary: I've told you many times that my wife and I have four sons. Last Christmas one of them wrote a beautiful letter and I told my wife, “Wow! He sent me this letter.” She said, “He gave me one too. And he gave one to all the other boys in the family. But you know what touched my heart - I've got it right in front of me right now - was the things he said to me in that letter was such a blessing to my heart. In Ephesians chapter six, the Scriptures say - you know it very well – “Honor your father and mother, which is the first commandment with a promise, so that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy a long life on earth.” God makes two fantastic promises, beautiful, wonderful. He says it will go well with you if you honor your father and your mother, and you will enjoy a long life on earth. This week I was impacted by the word “enjoy.” You will enjoy a long life on earth. Not just exist, not just be there, but enjoy it. So I ask you, have you written your father or your mother a letter to tell them how you love them and care for them? Have you honored the Lord? He will give you a blessing. Do it today. This is Luis Palau.