Belief Has the Power to Help You Achieve Your Goals

The Accountability Coach: Business Acceleration|Productivity show

Summary: Nick Saban (who you might know from him being the American football coach at the University of Alabama since 2007) said, “When you invest your time, you make a goal and a decision of something that you want to accomplish. Whether it's, make good grades in school, be a good athlete, be a good person, go down and do some community service and help somebody who's in need, or whatever it is you choose to do, you're investing your time in that.” The key element there is investment. We can’t ever hope to achieve something worthwhile if we don’t believe it is possible - if we are not emotionally invested in its success. If we don’t believe in our ability to figure something out, or to find success, then no one else will either! We can either be our own worst enemy or the best cheerleader we’ve ever had. But not at the same time. We are, at any given time, either tearing down our dreams and goals, or building them up. What You Believe Will Likely Come to Pass In order to truly be successful, you have to believe you have the capacity for that success. Ultimately, it is all about harnessing the power of the Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction is simple. It is the belief that having positive thoughts about your life and future will “attract” more positivity and prosperity in your life. Also called “self-fulfilling prophecy,” this concept is not a new one. For example, if you go into a meeting thinking it will be boring and you will get nothing from it, don’t be surprise when you walk away having learned nothing new. You got out of it what you expected to find. Likewise, an open-minded person that goes into that same meeting prepared to have it be intriguing and beneficial, will likely find at least one usable nugget of information they can benefit from; therefore, reinforcing their initial belief about how the meeting should go. How we feel about certain situations trickles into our body language and into our subconscious thoughts. If you dread going to work each day, it won’t be long before your posture becomes slumped, your attitude becomes poor, and your performance becomes lackluster. You have to intentionally change your feelings and – often – your body language – to reflect a new way of thinking in order to reach new goals and realize different outcomes and better outcomes for your life. Don’t Underestimate the Power of Positivity Much like a boomerang, the beliefs and thoughts you put into your mind, and the energy you project into your work and personal life, will always come back around. We get to choose the lenses that we see the world through. Our beliefs and intentionality truly do have the power to help us achieve our goals. Success Magazine interviewed an NFL Superbowl champion, and asked him how he was able to find such consistent success with hitting his professional goals at such a high level. He said, “You have to see things happen in your life before you can do it. It is visualization. I learned that as an athlete; don’t ever go out onto the field of competition thinking about what you don’t want to have happen, because once you let those negative thoughts into your mind, they can more easily manifest. If you are in a place of positivity, your percentage chance of hitting the perfect punt is higher, much higher, because you are thinking about what you want to do, not what you don’t want to do, or what you don’t want to happen. Your brain is the most powerful muscle you have.” This focus on positive thinking is what he and countless other highly successful people all over the world have found to be the key to helping them set goals and achieve greater success. When you believe you can do something, and choose to focus on what can go right instead of on what can go wrong, your chances of hitting your goal increase dramatically. Not only that, but belief in yourself and positive thinking create a hamster wheel of self-realization that is nearly impossible to stop once it gains momentum. If you’re alw