Dropping The Baggage Of Old Relationships (Bar Talk With Jay Ep. 316)

Bar Talk With Jay show

Summary: Leaving relationships always comes with some scars, some lessons, and some new expectations because there is always something new we will not put up with in the future. There can be a line that some of us can cross where some of these lessons and scars can turn a small reminder into a full PTSD episode. Some of the negative feelings around certain areas of our relationships can cause avoidable situations and can even go as far as ending a relationship all together<br><br>Have you gotten accused of treating your new boo like your ex? Do you have wounds that cause you to get labeled unreasonable? Maybe the shoe is on the other foot. You may be dealing with someone you are really into but they keep me showing things that they are not over from the past. Whichever roll you may play, you can agree that for the most part, baggage in this form is unhealthy and should be left at the door. <br><br>Thanks for listening!