War Room - 2019-Oct 15, Tuesday - Lebron James Shows The NBA's True Colors: Chinese Communism

War Room show

Summary: LeBron James has taken the mask off the NBA and revealed China not only censors them while in China but also when in the United States. Joel Brown joins the War Room to discuss being spat on for wearing a Trump hat by a gay pride marcher. Syrian Girl joins again to break down the latest in Syria and the fake news lying about what is happening there.<br><br>Watch uncensored: <a href="https://banned.video/watch?id=5da68ec57238e000139b72c6" rel="noopener">https://banned.video/watch?id=5da68ec57238e000139b72c6</a><br><br>Support: <a href="http://www.infowarsstore.com" rel="noopener">www.infowarsstore.com</a>