D.H.S. Considers Casinos “Critical Infrastructure,” But Not Voting Systems

Unanimous Dissent show

Summary: Recent comments by Homeland Security chief Jeh Johnson suggest that the department may soon classify our nation’s election systems as “critical infrastructure.” It would allow the federal government to provide enhanced cybersecurity assistance. The two Sam’s ask, “What the hell took so long?”<br><br>Then, we bring you an update on the status of Chelsea Manning. The Army whistleblower has been callously threatened with more punishment, after attempting suicide. Evan Greer, Fight for the Future Campaign Manager and friend of Chelsea, joins us to discuss.<br><br>And, the host of the radio show By Any Means Necessary, Eugene Puryear, stops by to discuss the intra-left wars triggered by the grueling Democratic Primary, and where the Left should go now that Hillary Clinton is the nominee.