#227 – Types of Pinterest Ads: Consideration vs. Conversion Campaigns

Simple Pin Podcast: Simple ways to boost your business using Pinterest show

Summary: <br> When it’s time for you to consider running an ad campaign for your business, how do you know which direction to take? Pinterest currently offers two different types of Pinterest ads. Choosing the right type of campaign can be confusing if you’re new to the Pinterest ads arena.<br> You may be wondering what the difference is between a consideration campaign and a conversion campaign.  How do you choose which type of Pinterest ad is best for your business? How can you be sure you’re spending your ad campaign budget wisely? What is the best choice for you and your business?<br> In this episode, we offer up some expert advice to help you answer all these questions and more!<br> But before we embark on the journey of choosing between different types of Pinterest ads…<br> This month in the <a href="https://simplepinmedia.com/collective">Simple Pin Collective,</a> our discussions have centered around business foundations. As a member of The Collective, you have the opportunity to really dig into all things Pinterest for your business as we explore a new topic in depth each month.  If you are struggling to gain footing in your Pinterest marketing or just need help getting started, we’d love to have you <a href="https://simplepinmedia.com/collective">join us over in The Collective</a>.<br> Today, our Director of Promoted Pins Management, Erin Harding, takes the mic to talk about Promoted Pin Campaigns. Erin’s guest today is <a href="https://emileevales.com/">Emilee Vales</a>. Emilee is a former teacher turned Pinterest marketing and ads expert who has built her own business from the ground up promoting pins and running ad campaigns on the Pinterest platform. <br> <br> Before we begin, it’s worth noting a couple of <a href="https://help.pinterest.com/en/business/article/review-new-and-updated-reporting-metrics">terminology and function changes in the ads dashboard</a> that Pinterest recently rolled out. Here’s an overview of the most relevant changes for our discussion:<br> <br> * Traffic Objective Campaigns have now been renamed to Consideration Campaigns<br> * There have been some updates to Pinterest metrics:<br> <br> * Link Clicks have been renamed to Pin Clicks to provide clarity on the actions taking place on Pinterest<br> * Outbound Clicks is a new metric that provides more granular reporting on the number of clicks to your destination URL<br> <br> <br> * The ad experience has been updated so your website loads after an outbound click to help you see audience value through improvements to bounce rates and 3rd party analytics tracking.<br> * Metrics terminology is being updated so organic metrics will mirror paid metrics.<br> * Budgeting for the Consideration Objective is being enhanced<br> <br> Types of Pinterest Ads<br>  <br> What Type of Pinterest Ad Campaign Should You Run?<br> Pinterest allows you to run different types of ad campaigns. Choosing the right one might seem obvious by the name, but is that true? If you’re just getting started with Promoted Pins (aka Pinterest ads), you’re probably thinking:<br> <br> I want to get conversions. That means starting with a conversion campaign, right? <br> <br> Obviously, we all want to increase our conversions, but a conversion campaign may not be the best option for you. Your best choice might be a consideration campaign (previously called traffic objectives campaign).<br> Making sure Pinterest is receiving and understanding information from your website correctly is vital to any campaign. Running a consideration campaign can be a really solid place to start getting your Pinterest tag “warmed up” and start informing Pinterest about your audience (especially if you’re on a smaller budget). <br> Running a consideration campaign does not mean you won’t be able to see conversions. A consideration campaign helps drive those outbound clicks you’re looking for and you will still be able to track con...