Love Matters More (with Jared Byas)

The Kate and Colby Show show

Summary: We are joined by Jared Byas, co-host of the wildly popular "The Bible for Normal People Podcast" as well as author of the recent book, "Love Matters More.” Together we dive in to topics such as the three different kinds of "truth," as well as why it is that people are more likely to change when they are accepted as opposed to judged. Other Segments in this Episode Include VIEWER CHECK-IN: What's your comfort TV show? LET'S DISCUSS: Kate and Colby discuss our culture's current relationship with technology (in which we show the video of "I'm Not a Cat," where one lawyer accidentally has a cat filter on his zoom!) WHO'S TEAM YOU ON?: We debut this new segment in which we invite viewers to pick a side, Team Kate or Colby, depending on who you're more like. Tonight's topics are around Food and Drink (spoiler alert: Team Kate dominates) Subscribe to The Kate & Colby Show on Youtube, Like our Page on FB and follow us on IG that way you'll always know what's up and what's coming up!