Evangelism vs. Discipleship

Reaching Your World with Luis Palau show

Summary: I’ve noticed lately that there is a major dividing line in Christian conversation- there are those who emphasize proclamation and conversion, and those who emphasize discipleship. And I want to ask the question- why must it be one or the other? Clinging to one as if more critical than the other leads to great discouragement when it comes to Kingdom building. They are of equal importance. In fact, one necessitates the other- they are inextricable. Jesus’ statement in the Great Commission seems to indicate initial conversion and continued guidance- listen carefully: “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” Jesus says to go into the world, but to also make disciples, by baptizing and teaching. Have you been guilty of over-emphasizing conversion at the cost of helping those already in the family of God? Or have you been inwardly focused so that you’ve stopped even connecting with those who have yet to know Christ? As each of us becomes more and more balanced with these two concepts then we will reach our world. Make a plan to share the Good News, but not leave it there. This is Andrew Palau.