Interview with Jeff and Jami Downs – Authors of Streaking

Goal Setting & Achievement Podcast: Business|Productivity show

Summary: Jeff Downs has had had numerous years of executive leadership experience and also has consulted numerous executive teams to achieve consistent sustained transformational results. As a successful entrepreneur and corporate leader, Jeff has worked as a Franklin Covey Business Results Practice Leader with Cisco, Boston Scientific, Comcast, Staples, Siemens, and more. Jeff and Jami have been married for 29 years and have 7 children between the ages of 9 and 25. Jami Downs is a mother, leader, teacher, and passionate volunteer. As the mother of seven children she is an expert in logistics, negotiation, diplomacy, and project management. Jeff and Jami are co-authors of the book, Streaking: The Simple Practice of Conscious, Consistent Actions That Create Life-Changing Results, which was published September 22, 2020. Streaking is a goal-setting practice created by Jeff and Jami, which allows us to transform our best intentions into new, consistent habits to help us meet our goals. Here are some questions I asked Jeff and Jami that you will benefit from by listening to their answers: 1. I’m curious, how did you come up with the concept and name for your book, Steaking? Streaking: The Simple Practice of Conscious, Consistent Actions That Create Life-Changing Results 2. Why did you start Streaking and how has it helped you and others with achieving goals? 3. How is a streak different from a goal, and how do they compliment one another? 4. What are the laws of Streaking? 5. What is a “be statement” and how does a person use a “be statement” to have consistent success? Ask yourself: Who do I want to be? 6. What is the power of consistency in achieving goals? 7. What about Streaking is powerful in setting up the foundation to achieve goals? 8. Why is it important to know the difference between a habit, routine, streak, and a goal? 9. How does a person employ streaks to grow and improve and achieve their goals and reach their full potential? 10. What are the benefits to a person in completing laughably simple streaks daily, weekly or monthly? 11. Give me some examples of what someone would do to bridge the gap between where they are in business and where they imagine they ultimately want to be. 12. How do you suggest people record activities to be completed? 13. Why record that you have completed these activities, how does that help growth and achieving goals? Get their book, Streaking: The Simple Practice of Conscious, Consistent Actions That Create Life-Changing Results and download the Streaking app to help you implement the concept of Streaking, you can have the highest probability of having your ideal business and ideal life. Visit their website by going to Below is a business success resource to help you implement one of the areas we discussed. A “Me File” is simply a place where you keep all the great comments people have said about you, your service, your staff, and your firm. You can keep an electronic document as well as a manila folder with cards or tangible things people have sent you. When you feel your confidence slipping to less than 100% for what you offer, read all the great comments people have said about you over the years to get your confidence cup flowing over again. So many times we disregard all the great comments people share with us and think that “that is my job.” Keeping track of what people send you and what they say about you will help increase your confidence when you need a little more to call prospects, meet with prospects, or just any time you want to feel good about what you do in this world for people. When you look at your “Me File” and read all the great comments people have said about you, how do you feel? To download a simple way to track your glowing comments from clients and people who have worked with you, go to If you are getting value from any of Podcast