1105. Is It Wrong To Love Your Pets More Than Humans?

Animal Radio® show

Summary: Clinical Forensic Psychologist Dr. John Huber culled research indicating that, given the choice, we prefer puppies over people. Respondents to a recent survey are significantly less distressed when adult humans were victimized, in comparison with human babies, puppies and adult dogs. Also, Monique Feyrecilde breaks the common fallacies associated with training your dog. She’ll share the mistakes we make when trying to change our dog’s behavior. Also, it’s National Pet Dental Month. Not another Hallmark card opportunity. This is the ideal opportunity for your veterinarian to check for dental issues that could ultimately be fatal if gone unchecked. Dental care isn’t about vanity as much as it’s about preventing organ failure because you thought a ‘non-anesthesia dental cleaning’ was all you needed. Also, Genevieve Frederick heads up an organization that connects pet food and veterinary care with homeless folks and their animals. Since 2008, her non-profit has found health care for 17,500 pets. Now, the organization is on the hunt for more veterinary practitioners to offer discounted assistance to the homeless.