#224 – Business Budgeting Tips: How to Budget Following a Crazy Year

Simple Pin Podcast: Simple ways to boost your business using Pinterest show

Summary: <br> Today’s episode is a bit of a detour from the usual.<br> As we start the year 2021, I want to provide you with some help, including <a href="https://www.simplepinmedia.com/working-from-home-with-kids/">working from home</a> and business budgeting tips. My very own bookkeeper, Iyanna from <a href="https://lovelyfinancials.com/">Lovely Financials</a>, is here with me this week. to talk about how to budget in your business after an unusual year (and NO YEAR has been quite as unusual as the one we just finished).<br> Iyanna and I have been working together since 2018. She started doing my bookkeeping during a period of transition in my business – I was way in over my head and desperately needed help. A business friend introduced me to Iyanna. Hiring her has been one of the absolute best things I’ve ever done for my business. <br> Today, we’ll be talking about setting goals for 2021, what is most important when it comes to your business budget, and how to allocate your business dollars. We’ll cover different types of businesses and how your business type affects your budget. <br> During the month of February, we will be zeroing in on business foundations in <a href="https://www.simplepinmedia.com/the-simple-pin-collective/">The Simple Pin Collective</a>. This is the best place for you to find a great business community that is helpful and supportive. There’s a vast collection of helpful educational resources housed in <a href="https://www.simplepinmedia.com/the-simple-pin-collective/">the Collective</a>. We hope you’ll join us there. <br> <br> Iyanna’s Story <br> Iyanna was a young mother and also a foster mom to special needs teenagers. She wanted to do something for herself and so she decided to start a blog. She was so inspired by what she uncovered in the online business world. She saw so many examples of women crushing their business goals and growing their family’s finances. <br> Unfortunately, she also observed a common theme across these women — they were afraid to talk about their numbers. <br> Iyanna invested in a course to help further her knowledge base in accounting (a subject she explored in college). She had been on the health care management track in school since she aspired to be a CFO of a hospital. Along the way, she ended up falling in love with her accounting courses. <br> From Bookkeeping to Business Budgeting Tips<br> The course helped her to launch her bookkeeping business. She decided to niche down to serve online businesses since she wanted to help those women entrepreneurs to be empowered when it comes to their business numbers.<br> Soon, her services went beyond bookkeeping. Iyanna started offering advice on how her clients could improve their financials. She also helped them to develop a budget for their businesses.<br> As Iyanna’s business has evolved, she currently offers CFO-level support for online businesses. She takes a holistic approach to help her clients grow their business and understand their financials.<br> Be 100% Approachable <br> Bookkeeping professionals are viewed by many people as condescending – they base their interactions with clients on the assumption that clients can’t understand bookkeeping methods. This is not the experience that Iyanna wants for her clients. She is an advocate for her clients and wants them to be empowered to understand their numbers so that they can make informed decisions for their business. <br> Iyanna’s mission is to make sure her business is 100% approachable.<br> No matter whether someone has been blogging for years or is just starting out, making a six-figure income, or hasn’t made $100, Iyanna wants to educate her clients and help them to grow their business the way they see fit. <br> <br> At the end of the day, our financials are just a picture of what actually has transpired or what can come to fruition. — Iyanna<br> <br>