A Special WandaVision Chat with Brett White!

The Sewers of Paris show

Summary: We’re trying something different this week. Perhaps you've been watching Marvel’s new TV series WandaVision, a strange, otherworldly series that debuted earlier this month with each episode so far re-creating the genre of classic old sitcoms. Episode 1 was a throwback to The Dick Van Dyke Show, Episode 2 referenced Bewitched, and last week’s Episode 3 has traces of The Brady Bunch. As someone who spends a lot of time ensconced in entertainment history, I am of course obsessed with WandaVision and its mysteries, and so last weekend I hosted a livestream conversation with another queer media lover and comic expert, the wonderful Brett White, TV critic at The Decider. He was my guest on Sewers of Paris episode 309, so you can jump back to that one if you’d like to hear more about his obsession with Charles Nelson Reilly and speedos. It was a great fun nerdy talk, and that’s what you’re about to hear on this episode. We livestreamed this conversation on my YouTube channel so we were joined by lots of great folks in the chat who shared their own observations about WandaVision and classic queer TV. Thanks to everyone who dropped by and shared their thoughts during the livestream. A quick warning that there are WandaVision spoilers in this conversation, so if you’re not caught up with Episode 3, you might want to skip this one.  And I’d love to know what you think about this episode, tweet at me @mattbaume to let me know if you like hearing conversations like this one on the show. And hey, if you’d like to join me for future streams, I’m live every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday on Twitch at Twitch.tv/mattbaume, and on Saturdays on YouTube at YouTube.com/mattbaume.