Sustainability Certification for SMEs, with David Goodman from Edenark Group

Sustainability Explored show

Summary: In this episode, David Goodman, CEO and President of the Edenark Group, talks about the ‘how’ and ‘why’ of adjusting environmental management systems within small, and mid-sized companies. By doing what is best for the world and its people, it’s very likely for sales to improve as well. Today, more and more customers are demanding certifications of sustainability. The ISO 14001 standards were designed to increase sustainability within the largest companies. Now, those standards have been formatted for application in medium -, and smaller companies, which leads to a more competitive edge with lower costs, higher revenues, increased sales, and increased market share. David Goodman talks about the relevance of this certificate and how it benefits both the customer as well as the business owner. More and more consumers demand sustainable certifications from the companies they’re buying from - David invites business owners to take the customers' demands seriously. David also explains how COVID-19 caused consumers to be even more demanding of certified sustainability. Most people see at the pandemic as a symptom of a larger problem: the Earth's environment not being alined. There’s a great focus on sustainability, as more people are waking up to the reality of where we are standing and where we are heading. This is the time where we have to make up our minds and take the right actions, by focussing on the future. What you'll learn: How smaller companies can achieve the sustainability goals of their bigger peers; The difference between ISO 14001 and what the Edenark Group offers; Why COVID-19 made consumers more demanding of purchasing their products from sustainable certified companies; How to get certified and how this will affect the worlds’ environment positively - as well as your business’ sales; The global impact of certified companies. Resources mentioned: Company website: ***Our social media profiles*** CAREER IN SUSTAINABILITY CONSULTATION? Book a call here:  LinkedIn: &  Medium:  Apple:  Youtube:  Leave a review: