Join Our Holiday Party! Wednesday, December 16, 8:00pm Eastern

The Manuscript Academy show

Summary: Hello friends! It is time for our annual holiday party. This year, we’re featuring agent and editor guests, fun ways to find new critique partners and friends, and a choose your own adventure format to build the best holiday party for you. Everything is free, online of course, and designed to be the kind of fun usually only possible in a year that is not on fire. There will be prizes, surprises, readings, hilarity, community and more. Plus, we get to playfully annoy some of our agent guests with a live game, which we can’t wait for. (All I will say now is that it’s not a dunk tank, because we couldn’t figure out how to do that on zoom. Plus we like them. And want them to have fun too.) Want to learn more? Head to to RSVP and get on the list. It all starts this Wednesday, December 16, at 8pm Eastern. Hope to see you there!