How Health Management Programs Impact Workers’ Compensation

Public Risk Management show

Summary: How Health Management Programs Impact Workers’ Compensation This week we have Dr. Kimberly Gaston, Clinical Field Service Director at the Insurance Program Managers Group, explaining how health management programs impact workers’ compensation. IPMG is a third party administrator that works towards diminishing the number of workers' compensation claims, the duration of the claims as well as the claim cost. While there are many factors that determine the outcome of a claim they’ve uncovered the most significant influence is the decline in health of the claimant, leading to increased costs and a longer duration. The rate of chronic conditions are on the rise for all American age groups, at the current rate, 42% of Americans will be severely obese by 2030. Dr. Kimberly Gatson elaborates on: -How complicating health conditions can influence workers' compensation and injury management -How employee health management systems impact injury, recovery benefit and utilization -The different employee health management system administration options -The impact these systems have on COVID related health and disease prevention