1097. Actress Tippi Hedren Guests and Turtle Doves Drive Up Price of 12 Days of Christmas

Animal Radio® show

Summary: Actress and Animal Activist Tippi Hedren (The Birds - Shambala) returns to Animal Radio to talk about life living with Lions, Tigers and Ligers, oh my. She rescues tigers that were purchased as pets and out-grew their home. She’s also forged legislation that outlaws exotic animals as pets. Animal Radio will hook you up with her autobiography, Tippi. Also, the slow recovery of the U.S. economy may be responsible for the increasing costs of the 12 Days of Christmas. The price of two turtle-doves has jumped from $290 last year to $375. But, the partridge in the pear tree, which has actually become cheaper, has offset the total cost. Also, the holidays can be stressful for everyone, both humans and our pets. While some dogs enjoy the increase in activity and new experiences that come with holidays, there are lots of others who are not fans of change and all the chaos that can come with it. Lori Brooks will help you recognize signs of stress in your pet, so you can remove them from dangerous situations and help them relax. Also, pet owners may shell out as much, or more, money for their pet’s health care as they do for their own health care, and it’s mostly because of pricey new technologies and more advanced treatment options. Healthy Paws Pet Insurance most expensive insurance claim was for a 3-year-old female French Bulldog diagnosed with inter-vertebral disc disease with a final bill of $44,296. And finally, court proceedings are underway in Newaygo County, Michigan, where a preliminary hearing has been held for a woman accused of murdering her husband and their parrot is the only apparent witness. The couple’s pet, an African Gray parrot, apparently witnessed the shooting and began repeating words from the victim just moments before his death. The parrot has been recorded as saying, “Don’t F*#&ing shoot.”